Anthropology & Zoology
Sentient Races
Available Books
Where to start:
I highly recommend exploring the world map. This will introduce you to the various cultures and countries found in the world.
Next, consider browsing through the theology tab, this will not only explain the various religions of the world but also familiarize you with how magic works within the plane of creation.
Or you can hop right into a story and experience the world firsthand.
This website is a work in progress!
What is the Plane of Creation?
The plane of creation is the running name for a fictional realm of my own creation.
I have been building and working on this world since late 2016.
I currently plan to write several stories set within this world in the future.
Who am I?
A lover of fiction and worldbuilding, an avid tabletop roleplayer, and an all-around fantasy buff. I have my heart pressed away, nestled in the forests of Bristleton Isle, and my head in the clouds of the harpy spires. This is my home away from reality.
In truth, I’m not much more than a transcriber. This world would not exist if it weren’t for the constant support, praise, and criticism of my friends. They have helped me make more of this world than they probably realize.