World Map
Please, select a country to learn more.


Out of all the countries in the world, Antalore is the wealthiest.
This is due in part to a rich history in trade and winemaking. Antalore is world-renowned for its wine, with vintages being priced more than most modest houses in the north. Their soil and weather are ideal not just for growing wine, but also for many other crops. Making them the world leader in agriculture.

Small and war-torn.
Most of the inhabitants of Vrindleheim live within the protective walls of the City of Vrindlehiem. War after war has left the coastal south-eastern facing sides of the country in unreclaimable ruin.
Bristleton Isle
An elusive isle
An independent island rumored to not exist. While its location is not known, it is referenced here on this map in an arbitrary location. The only known records of this isle is that of the druids whose ships claim to hail from it.

The land of magic
Home to the college of magics, Fons’helm is filled with day-to-day magical luxuries. Strolling along the streets of the capital city, you would be hard-pressed to find a home without a self-boiling kettle or indoor washbasin relying on the basic elemental stones.

The Unclaimed North
Cold and uninhabitable
The Unclaimed North is mostly a desolate frozen wasteland, considered too dangerous for any permanent structures. As with everything, there are a few exceptions to this rule. A definitive map is unavailable, and charting expeditions yielded questionable results.
New and mysterious
A newly discovered cluster of three islands shaped as an exaggerated atoll. The entire island takes a circular shape, with mountains forming around the center in varying levels of intensity. The current within the naturally formed lagoon is considered abnormally erratic and dangerous. The atoll is broken at three points, the north, the south-east, and the south-west.
It is rumored that the natural tides are due to a gate to the Star of Water. One of the Three Elemental Stars, considered to be the remanents of Larnania god of creationHowever, due to the dangers involved in navigating the tidal discourse, this has not been confirmed.
Millmade Isle
An industrial island
These sets of islands are all owned by Voltac Millmade, a luxury furniture crafter. His furniture can be found all across the northern continent in distinguished homes.
His brand is also well known for providing the North with produce, removing the dependency on Antalore's goods, and lifting the effects of Antalore's high export tax. People often believe that this is why Antalore has a trade ban on Millmade cargo.
The Harpy Spires
Where earth meets the sky
Nestled in the easternmost part of the uncharted north are the harpy spires. These abnormally tall mountain formations pierce the clouds that persistently reside within the gusts caught between the spires.
This land is considered sacred to the church of Jiyu, as they believe it to be the gate to the Star of WindsOne of the Three Elemental Stars, considered to be the remanents of Larnania god of creation.