Out of all the countries in the world, Antalore is the wealthiest.
This is due in part to a rich history in trade and winemaking. Antalore is world-renowned for its wine, with vintages being priced more than most modest houses in the north. Their soil and weather are ideal not just for growing wine, but also for many other crops. Making them the world leader in agriculture.
Antalore’s political structure:
Antalore has a matriarchal monarch known as the Dutchess. Beneath her is the senate of ladies. This senate is made of 12 distinguished women hand-picked when the Dutchess inherits the throne. Often these are the children of her mother’s allies and friends who studied political theory in the palace.
While the dutchess has supreme authority, there are other groups aside the senate of ladies. Sharing equal power with the senate of ladies, is the Tarneath, holy knights for the church of Tarnia.The god of judgement The order of Tarnia in Antalore is fully resposible for Antalore’s millitary.

Praise our Lady Levinia!
Cardnial Martin, High Priest of Levinia
Who has blessed this land so that the dirt itself extrudes life everbountiful