Just about anything and anyone passes through the port of Grungar
Grungar is powerful in a way that the other countries in the Northern continent aren’t.
Grungar is the center of all trade. Even Antalore is required to export their goods through Grungar before they can reach the other countries.
Grungar’s political structure:
Grungar is is a meritocracy whose governing body is broken into five sectors.
- The Seaside Counsel is the political body composed of the wealthiest material traders. These traders have risen to wealth through raw material trade and are considered one of the fairest and most trustworthy groups in geopolitical relations.
- The Counsel of Brokers is the political body composed of those trading in industry and properties. Unlike their material counterparts, this is the least trusted by other countries.
- The Royal Counsel is the reigning monarch Gavin the Grand. Ever since King Gavin was afflicted by an illness that has made him blind and mute, he has been more of a symbol and rarely ever uses his power. It is believed that the beauty of his fae-blooded wife is what blinded the king.
- The Holy Church of Jiyu has a political presence, though it is not as significant. Their political actions are mostly concerned with the lower struts of the city of Grungar.
- The Grungarian Militia is the military force of Grungar. Despite being called a militia, the elite ranks keep all the militia in strict military order. When paired with the Holy Knights of Junia, they are an impenetrable wall.

Locations of Intrest in Grungar:
- Capital: The City of Grungar