The Country of Fons’helm

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The land of magic

Home to the college of magics, Fons’helm is filled with day-to-day magical luxuries. Strolling along the streets of the capital city, you would be hard-pressed to find a home without a self-boiling kettle or indoor washbasin relying on the basic elemental stones.

Fons’helm’s political structure:

There is no king in Fons’helm, only a council composed of three individuals from each large town. There are three mages that act as representatives for the College of The Stars, three laborers from Kiltenburg, three scholars from the city of Fons’helm, and three decorated travelers from Gantherfield.

A host of mages, SpellswordsKnights with conections to the Stars, either through direct practice with magic or the use of gemchart equipment, as well as experienced travelers in Gantherfield, make up the militia of Fons’helm. Together they make a formidable force.

Map of Fons'helm