The Country of Vrindleheim

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Small and war torn

Most of the inhabitants of Vrindleheim live within the protective walls of the City of Vrindlehiem. War after war has left the coastal south-eastern facing sides of the country in unreclaimable ruin.

The political structure of Vrindleheim:

Vrindleheim currently has a monarch. This king is without wife, nor child. His political power has dwindled over the years as, time and time again, he failed to protect the majority of his people against Antalorian attacks. If it were not for the captain of his army, his life would have been taken by his own people several times over.

The citizens of Vrindleheim are mostly all anti-loyalist with some even siding with Antalore, never openly of course. But those who do side with Antalore do so in despair of another attack.